Saturday, January 1, 2011

Oaxaca Bound

I'm off to Oaxaca today. I'm kind of excited. My very first trip outside of the US was to Mexico and I stopped in Oaxaca on the way to the beach at Puerto Escondido. The peso had crashed and Mexico was an unbelievable bargain (I didn't appreciate it at the time). I hardly knew any Spanish and I knew nothing about Mexico or Oaxaca. I just remember arriving and my bags not showing up, getting to Oaxaca without a reservation and having trouble finding a hotel, and then going out for a walk and getting lost. The next day I left and went to the beach where with the help of a phrase book I learned a little bit of Spanish and was so thrilled to be able to communicate.

On the way back home, I stopped in Oaxaca again and spent a few days. I remember walking through the market saying "buenas tardes" to everyone I passed. The memory is so funny, I can't even believe that was me, but yes, I was once young and excitable.

Anyway, we'll see what Oaxaca is like for me this time. I remember a very beautiful colonial city with a lot of very big churches. What I didn't appreciate at the time was the indigenous presence in Oaxaca, which is very strong. I am looking forward to visiting villages outside of Oaxaca and also going to Monte Alban, which I didn't do last time.

Yesterday I went to the Museum of Anthropology, my favorite place in Mexico City. I took the subway and when I got off wasn't sure where I was, but there were mini buses waiting and they said "antropologia", so I got on one. It was me and a bunch of guys who looked like they were going to work. There was one woman. When the bus was full, we took off, but just before we left a very interesting looking character got on. He was a young guy with about 6 piercings in his ear and several on his face, including his lips. He had a big wave of hair, Elvis style on his head and he was carrying a guitar. As we started to move, he balanced himself with his guitar and started playing and singing very loudly. I, of course, was irritated. It just seems you can't go anywhere without someone singing to you for money. Enough already!

I got to the museum early and there was no line and the place was nearly empty. Heaven! I headed straight to the big draw, the Aztec room. Usually it's packed with everyone wanting their picture taken in front of the giant sun dial. I was able to walk around with almost no one there. It is quite impressive. I then went to the Oaxaca exhibit and also the Gulf Coast, because I really like the giant Olmec heads. I still want to take a trip to Veracruz one of these days.

I went upstairs to the modern day exhibits. The thing I love about this museum is that the bottom floor is the ancient stuff, but on the upper floors they show how those same people are living today. The Oaxaca exhibits were very interesting and there are quite a few indigenous groups in Oaxaca with very strong cultures.

Unfortunately, by the time I was finished, it was too early for lunch. My stomach said it wanted to eat at 12:30, but the restaurant didn't start serving lunch until 1:30, so my plan for ceviche was crushed. Instead I walked back towards my hotel and stopped at La Beatricita for lunch.

I had enchiladas with mole and consume with rice and a plate of rice and a side of rice and beans with the enchiladas. A lot of rice! I didn't eat all of it and felt very full after eating what I did. One thing I have to say is that as good as Mexican food is, it is conflicting with my anti-inflammatory diet plans. I really wish I could have some vegetables!

I spent the rest of the day lazing around. I went to Starbucks and got a raspberry frappucino and tried to read but too many people were smoking. I sat on a bench on Paseo de la Reforma and watched the variety of people walking by, came back to my room and took a nap and later went out to search for dinner.

By the time I went out, most places were closed for New Year's Eve, so I went and had some tacos and a beer and came back and watched some TV.

I can really feel the difference from when I was here three years ago. Back then I had not developed plantar facitis yet and could walk around endlessly. Now, it's hard for me to walk a lot and the short walk from the museum yesterday really killed my feet and legs. Back then I didn't have to worry about my meniere's acting up. I know I had a close call when I was here before, but now I feel like I could get an attack any minute. Fortunately, I'm doing okay, but yesterday I went out without my medication and was really worried that I might get dizzy while I was out.

Well, I am hoping that Oaxaca will be relaxing, interesting and rejuvinating. After a week there, I return here. I am planning on renting a bike when I return and getting some exercise and one day I will hop on the Turibus and explore some of the other neighborhoods. Also on the agenda is a massage and facial to get me ready to return to work.

1 comment:

Diane said...

Hi Rick ! Happy New Year ! It sounds like you are doing well there. The museum visit sounds great ! I hope you find some good vegetable dishes in Oaxaca and am looking forward to your impressions of everything. Stay well and enjoy your time in Mexico !!!