Saturday, December 29, 2007


I´m in Puebla and I found an internet cafe. All is good.

The trip was so easy. I arrived at the bus terminal about 30 minutes early, hung out a little, boarded the bus, and in about 2 hours was here. Hopped in a taxi and checked in to my lovely hotel. It is so luxurious, I love it! Gone are the days of roughing it and staying in places with no hot water. This place has a huge bed with a good mattress and cable TV and I can rent movies. I might rent Hairspray tonight since I haven't seen the new one with John Travolta.

Well, Puebla is a trip. It is very different from Mexico City. It seems very lively, at least what I've seen of it so far. Lots of people out and about shopping, watching the clowns in the zocalo, taking their kids to have their pictures taken with the three wise men (or three kings as they call them here). I saw three kings in the zocalo standing next to Santa. Neither one of them were getting any business, but these kings in this little shopping center had quite a line along with some maidens and swordsmen controlling the crowds. I wanted to have my picture taken with the ones in the zocalo, but they didn't look too friendly. On the other hand, if I pay them I'm sure they would get into it. Maybe later this week. I think they will be there until January 6, when they finally deliver their gifts of frankinense, murrh and gold, or the latest electronic thing that kids want these days.

Before stumbling on this internet cafe I was walking around exploring trying to get my bearings. The streets have an odd numbering system. There are streets and avenues and north and south, but it's hard to figure it all out. I think I may have gotten it and at least know where my hotel is.

I stopped to take a photo of an interesting old church covered in tiles (there are a lot of churches covered in tiles here) and there was a vendor selling corn who looked kind of lonely. I had a hankering for an ear of corn with lemon and chili, so I bought one. But instead of lemon and chili he slathered mayonaise on it, and then sprinkled some grated cheese (maybe parmesan) and then he put some chili on it. It was soooooo GOOD! I am definitely getting another one of those before I leave. How bad can it be? It's only corn.

Well, I am excited about Puebla. It seems very walkable and if I get bored here there seem to be lots of small villages and other places to visit nearby. Tomorrow I'm taking the Turibus tour to get a better idea of what there is to see.

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