Saturday, December 29, 2007

Smog and Nosejobs

I snapped this photo yesterday morning as I was heading to the Turibus stop on Paseo Reforma. It was a beautiful clear morning. I think the pollution has not been so bad because everyone was out of the city. Yesterday it seemed like they returned...and then some.

Check out the way the reflection from the building is lighting up the smoke from the cars.

I think two things have been in my favor - one, it has been warm, which makes the air rise and the smog doesn´t get trapped at ground level, and two, it has been a holiday, and things have been quiet. So, while the air is nothing like San Francisco, it is not as bad as what I expected.

Now about the nose jobs. I don´t know if it is just the gay boys here in Zona Rosa, but it seems that nose jobs are the new status symbol, or at least a status symbol. I´ve actually never seen one before here. At first I started noticing guys with bandages on their noses and in some cases black and blue noses. But then I started noticing these noses. Not the beautiful aztec or mayan noses that most Mexicans have, but these cute, pert, little turned up things. In one case the guys´s nose was so thin and straight it looked like one of Michael Jackson´s incarnations. I guess they must be cheap, but I think it is sad that they don´t realize how beautiful their noses are and are putting themselves through that. As big of a honker as I have, I´d never consider having it altered, especially for one of these things that they are turning their noses into. I´m going to have to try to get a picture of one, but am not sure how I will do that. For now, just imagine the kind of nose Barbie might have (does Barbie even have a nose?)

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